List of Survivors episodes

This is a list of episodes of the BBC television series, Survivors. The series ran for 38 episodes between 16 April 1975 and 8 June 1977. It was devised by Terry Nation and produced over three seasons by Terence Dudley.


Series 1 (1975)

The first series originally aired on BBC1 between 16 April and 16 July 1975.

Regular cast: Carolyn Seymour as Abby Grant (ep. 1-13), Ian McCulloch as Greg Preston (ep. 2-13), Lucy Fleming as Jenny Richards (ep. 1-13), Terry Scully as Vic Thatcher (ep. 2, 8-10), Hugh Walters as Vic Thatcher (ep. 11, 13), Tanya Ronder as Lizzie Willoughby (ep. 5-13), Stephen Dudley as John Millon (ep. 5-13), Hana Maria Pravda as Emma Cohen (ep. 7-13), Chris Tranchell as Paul Pitman (ep. 8-13), Michael Gover as Arthur Russell (ep. 8-13), Eileen Helsby as Charmian Wentworth (ep. 8-13), Talfryn Thomas as Tom Price (ep. 1-3, 7-10), Julie Neubert as Wendy (ep. 7-9), John Hallet as Barney (ep. 7-9), Myra Frances as Anne Tranter (ep. 2, 11), Richard Heffer as Jimmy Garland (ep. 6, 13)

# Title Directed by Written by Guest stars Original airdate
1.01 "The Fourth Horseman" Pennant Roberts Terry Nation Peter Bowles (as David Grant), Peter Copley (as Dr. Bronson), Christopher Reich (as Dr. Andrew Tyler) 16 April 1975 (1975-04-16)
In modern-day Britain, a young woman, Jenny visits her friend, a physician who is working in a city hospital, to ask him to come see a mutual friend who has become ill. The hospital has suffered a number of deaths from a mysterious disease, but the Department of Public Health has instructed them to keep it quiet. Soon, civilization begins to falter as the deaths increase, mass absenteeism affects public services and amenities and the electronic media goes off air. Eventually the electricity shuts off and all public services cease. Another young woman, Abby Grant goes looking for her son who was off at boarding school. At the school she meets the sole remaining staff member at the school, Dr. Bronson. He tells her that many of the boys were taken by other staff with camping equipment in hopes to escape the epidemic. He explains that the survivors of the epidemic are merely the first step of being survivors. While Abby proposes that there will be stockpiles of energy sources and preserved food, he explains that every product used in contemporary society relies on the complex interworking of thousands of people in different regions, each having specialised knowledge and a constant supply of specialised materials - all of which has suddenly vanished. Despondent, Abby journeys home to find seemingly everyone (including her husband) has died. She burns down her house and drives away. 
1.02 "Genesis" Gerald Blake Terry Nation George Baker (as Arthur Wormley), Brian Peck (as Dave Long), Edward Brooks (as Colonel) 23 April 1975 (1975-04-23)
Survivor Greg Preston is driving through the countryside when he meets Anne who begs him to come and help the man she is staying with, Vic, who has been injured. He goes with her and finds that Vic's leg has been crushed under a fallen tractor. Staying with them he helps the best he can. Meanwhile, Abby has come to a settlement run by an ex Trade Union President, Arthur Wormley, whom, she learns, had some inside knowledge of the catastrophe due to contacts in the Government. He has set up a small community where he has appointed himself the man in charge of the entire area. At first interested at their intentions, Abby is later appalled when a man branded as a thief is taken out and shot. Abby flees the house. Greg has taken a trip to the nearest town to get provisions. While there he meets Jenny and takes her into his car after she collapses. Driving back into the country, Anne tells Greg that Vic is dead, but after initially travelling with them, she leaves. Greg and Jenny see a fire and aim for it. Arriving there, they meet Abby who has now set herself up in a new house with the aim to begin a self-sufficient community. 
1.03 "Gone Away" Terence Williams Terry Nation Brian Peck (as Dave Long), Robert Gillespie (as John Milner), Robert Fyfe (as Phillipson), Barry Stanton (as Reg Gunnel) 30 April 1975 (1975-04-30)
Abby, Greg and Jenny drive to the nearest large supermarket to stock up on food. While there, they come up against some men carrying rifles working on behalf of Wormley. They threaten to shoot them if they take the food and insist they sign up at the community. Abby refuses and they manage to overcome the men and escape. Arriving back they find a tramp, Tom Price has taken shelter at their house. He agrees to join them and help. He tells them of a young boy he encountered who Abby hopes may be her son. Abby with Greg and Jenny go to find him but discover he is dead, but is not Abby's son. While away, Wormley's men have discovered their house and wait for their return. Tom agrees to join their settlement. Arriving back, Abby and the others get away from the house seeing that Wormley's men are there. Fearing for their safety they leave the area, with Abby vowing to continue looking for her son. 
1.04 "Corn Dolly" Pennant Roberts Jack Ronder Denis Lill (as Charles Vaughn), Keith Jayne (as Mick), Annie Hayes (as Lorraine), Yvonne Bonnamy (as Isla) 7 May 1975 (1975-05-07)
Abby, Jenny and Greg are driving to Abby's hometown looking for her son. While in town, the trio finds posters for a nearby settlement. They run across Charles and Lorraine, who themselves have just found a young boy, Mick. Greg, Abby and Jenny decide to stay at the settlement as Charles is informed that many in the settlement have become mortally ill from poisoned fish. They soon discover that Charles has become obsessed with repopulating the earth, and he has been trying to impregnate as many women as possible to facilitate this goal, with his intentions now turned to Abby. Upon discovering this, the trio leave the following day. 
1.05 "Gone to the Angels" Gerald Blake Jack Ronder Peter Miles (as Lincoln), Frederick Hall (as Jack), Nickolas Grace (as Matthew), Kenneth Caswell (as Robert) 14 May 1975 (1975-05-14)
While Abby goes to her son's school, Jenny and Greg run across two small children, John and Lizzie who have been living with their dead grandmother. When they all go up to the school to meet Abby, the children tell them about a bus full of school children who have gone up to Derbyshire, "where the angels are". They all take off to the area and find a house to stay, but Greg is accidentally shot by the man who lives there, Lincoln, giving him a minor flesh wound. The man tells the group about how men calling themselves "The British Government" recently came, taking many of his supplies. Abby leaves on her own and finds the "angels", three religious men who have isolated themselves in the hills. Later, when Jenny and Greg try to follow Abby with the children, Lincoln takes Lizzie hostage, but is saved by her dog. They safely arrive at the cabin. However, the men quickly become ill, and they realise Abby has brought the plague with her and infected the cabin. The five travellers leave the cabin after the three men have died. 
1.06 "Garland's War" Terence Williams Terry Nation Peter Jeffrey (as Knox), Dennis Chinnery (as John Carroll), David G. Marsh (as Bates) 21 May 1975 (1975-05-21)
Abby accidentally gets involved in a local war when she picks up a wounded man, being chased by a group of armed men. The man, Jimmy Garland takes Abby to the cave where he has been staying. He is the former owner of the Waterhouse manor, but has been evicted by a larger group, led by Knox. Abby is captured by them and agrees to find Jimmy and play mediator between them. Jimmy however has kidnapped one of Knox's women as collateral for Abby. Abby brings Jimmy to Knox, but his men attack and restrain him. Abby leaves, and finds Greg, Jenny and the children looking for her. Back at the manor, Knox is torturing Jimmy to reveal the whereabouts of the girl. As they go to the hut to retrieve the girl, they are surprised as Greg bursts through the door with a shotgun, demanding that Knox's men let Jimmy go. They make the exchange and escape, though Jimmy insists he must stay to continue fighting his "war". 
1.07 "Starvation" Pennant Roberts Jack Ronder 4 June 1975 (1975-06-04)
Wendy, a young woman living with an older woman Emma, leaves their house to go in search of food. She comes across Tom Price who offers her food in return for favours. Uneasy of him she runs away. Meanwhile, Abby rescues Emma from a pack of roaming and savage dogs. Tom turns up at the house looking for Wendy. After threatening Abby, she locks him in the back of his van. The others have found a large manor house with plenty of land for grazing nearby sheep and growing vegetables. They settle there and meet Barney, a simple-minded and scared young man. Abby brings Emma and Wendy in Tom's van to the manor and there they release Tom, who agrees once again, to help them. 
1.08 "Spoil of War" Gerald Blake Clive Exton (as M.K. Jeeves) 11 June 1975 (1975-06-11)
With a community now of nine, Abby, Greg and Jenny begin to work on the land in an attempt to begin growing crops, while the others take on different chores around the manor. A man, Paul Pitman arrives and tells them he knows about farming and tells them that their methods are futile, but he can help. Remembering Vic Thatcher, the man he helped earlier, Greg realises that he had a working tractor. He, Tom, Barney and Paul go and see what they can get there. On arriving they are repeatedly shot at, but manage to get through to find that Vic is still alive, although his legs are completely crushed. Vic tries to kill Greg for abandoning him and taking away his woman, until Greg explains what really happened. Vic agrees to let them take the equipment and food he has stored and he goes with them back to the manor. Meanwhile, two more people, Arthur and Charmian have joined the community. 
1.09 "Law and Order" Pennant Roberts Clive Exton (as M.K. Jeeves) 18 June 1975 (1975-06-18)
It's May Day and the community decide to celebrate with a party. Tom gets drunk and attempts to rape Wendy. During a struggle he stabs and kills her. Shocked at the discovery, the others notice Barney is acting strangely and come to the conclusion that he was the one who killed her. Led by Abby and Greg, they hold a vote and the majority say he should be shot. Barney is taken out and killed, but wracked with guilt, Tom confesses to Abby and Greg. Furious, but logical, Greg reasons that he should be kept within the community as his poaching skills are essential. Despite Abby's disgust, they decide not to tell the others. 
1.10 "The Future Hour" Terence Williams Terry Nation Glyn Owen (as Bernard Huxley), Caroline Burt (as Laura Foster), Denis Lawson (as Norman) 25 June 1975 (1975-06-25)
Greg and Paul arrive at a temporary settlement packed with provisions. It is led by Huxley, who travels around different communities offering food and other items in exchange for gold. Meanwhile, a man and woman Laura and Norman have arrived at the manor looking for shelter. Laura is pregnant and they are on the run from Huxley. He has taken her as his woman but insists on her getting rid of the baby. Abby and the others agree to hide them there. Huxley tracks them down and wages war on the manor. Laura has the baby and agrees to return to Huxley but entrusts her baby girl to the community where she will be safe, but not before Tom is killed in a final showdown. 
1.11 "Revenge" Gerald Blake Jack Ronder Robert Tayman (as Donnie) 2 July 1975 (1975-07-02)
After Vic attempts suicide, the others discuss how depressed he has become and set about finding useful things for him to give him a sense of purpose such as teaching the children. Vic and Paul go to a nearby town and find him a proper wheelchair. Two people turn up at the manor in a tanker full of petrol. One is a young man, Donny, the other is Anne - the woman who left Vic to die. Vic reveals to the others what she did and Abby decides that Donny can stay but Anne must leave in the morning. That night, Anne attempts to kill Vic, who in turn also tries to kill her in anger. After both breaking down in tears, they talk. The following morning, a seemingly more positive Anne leaves the house, watched by Vic. 
1.12 "Something of Value" Terence Williams Terry Nation Matthew Long (as Robert Lawson), Murray Hayne (as Jim Buckmaster), Paul Chapman (as Thorpe) 9 July 1975 (1975-07-09)
A man, Robert Lawson, arrives at the manor for shelter and the group agree he can stay. During the night he looks around and soon finds the tanker of petrol. After a heavy downpour, the others find that the crops have been washed out and the store of food in the cellar has been flooded and destroyed. They decide that the petrol is very valuable and decide to trade it to a nearby community for food and seed. Meanwhile, Lawson has met up with two friends and tells them of the tanker. They return to the manor to get it but Greg has already left with it. They follow, but after a failure of the brakes, Greg has parked it in a barn. The three men find him, steal the tanker and drive away. Speeding down a hill, the brakes fail to work and the three men are killed. Greg and the others retrieve their petrol. 
1.13 "A Beginning" Pennant Roberts Terry Nation Annie Irving (as Ruth Anderson), Michael Gover (as Arthur), Harry Markham (as Burton) 16 July 1975 (1975-07-16)
The group are becoming irritable with each other after trading their petrol for some seed which is bad and a fox has killed their chickens. Abby, tired of her role as the leader, retreats and talks it over with Jenny, who reveals she is pregnant with Greg's child. A travelling group arrives and asks for shelter for a sick girl they are carrying. The group tells them that they were driven from their land by a large band of thieves roaming the area. Greg and the others agree to contact other settlements so they can band together and form an alliance against any attacks. Abby meanwhile, needing some peace leaves the settlement and meets up with Jimmy Garland and stays with him in his house. Back at the settlement, the sick girl, Ruth, recuperates and tells them she was a medical student, and mentions that she was staying on a barge with some other people, one of which was a boy named Peter Grant. Abby returns the next day with Jimmy. Jenny rushes out to tell her the news that her son is still alive. 

Series 2 (1976)

The second series originally aired on BBC1 from 31 March to 23 June 1976.

Regular cast: Denis Lill as Charles Vaughan (ep. 1-13), Ian McCulloch as Greg Preston (ep. 1-8, ep. 10-13), Celia Gregory as Ruth Anderson (ep. 1-6, ep. 8, ep. 10-13), Lorna Lewis as Pet Simpson (ep. 1-2, ep. 5-13), Stephen Dudley as John Millon (ep. 1-2, ep. 5-8, ep. 10-13), Tanya Ronder as Lizzie Willoughby (ep. 1-2, ep. 5-8, ep. 10-13), Lucy Fleming as Jenny Richards (ep. 1-3, ep. 5, ep. 7-8, ep. 11-13), John Abineri as Hubert Goss (ep. 1-2, ep. 5-8, ep. 11-13), Michael Gover as Arthur Russell (ep. 1-2, ep. 5, ep. 7-8, ep. 11), Gordon Salkilld as Jack Wood (ep. 2, ep. 5-6, ep. 8, ep. 11, ep. 13), Stephen Tate as Alan (ep. 8, ep. 11-13), Heather Wright as Melanie (ep. 11-13), June Page as Sally (ep. 11-13), Peter Duncan as Dave (ep. 11-13), Roger Monk as Pete (ep. 11-13), Gigi Gatti as Daniella (ep. 7-8, ep. 12), Chris Tranchell as Paul Pitman (ep. 1-2), Delia Paton as Mina (ep. 6, ep. 10), Roy Herrick as Lewis Fearns (ep. 8, ep. 10)

# Title Directed by Written by Guest stars Original airdate
2.01 "Birth of a Hope" Eric Hills Jack Ronder 31 March 1976 (1976-03-31)
It is deep midwinter and Abby has gone to reunite with her son. The manor burns down and several of the group are killed. The survivors move on to a new settlement led by Charles Vaughan. Jenny is about to have Greg's baby and they go in search of Ruth to help with the delivery. Meanwhile Charles and Greg talk about furthering their community for the future and working to become completely self-sufficient. Ruth is found as Jenny goes into labour. 
2.02 "Greater Love" Pennant Roberts Don Shaw 7 April 1976 (1976-04-07)
Jenny has had a baby boy, which she is naming David. However she falls ill. Ruth helps her and makes a list of things needed. Paul agrees to go to a nearby hospital to collect it. He returns with the items but is feeling feverish. Ruth isolates him and realises has contracted the bubonic plague. To prevent the disease spreading through the community she gives him a lethal injection and burns down the barn has been held in. Feeling better, Jenny decides to re-name her baby Paul. 
2.03 "Lights of London – Part one" Terence Williams Jack Ronder Sydney Tafler (as Manny), Roger Lloyd-Pack (as Wally), Coral Atkins (as Penny), Nadim Sawalha (as Amul), Lennox Milne (as Nessie), David Troughton (as Stan), Wendy Williams (as Barbara), Lloyd McGuire (as George), Patrick Holt (as Doctor) 14 April 1976 (1976-04-14)
Ruth has been duped into going to London where a community of 500 are living. They need her because of her medical training and they are in need of a doctor. Many people are falling ill due to plague and rats. The group is led by Manny who informs her that only a large group of 500 or more can survive, rather than her small community. Ruth is tempted to stay as they have electricity and running water. Greg and Charles learn that she has been taken to London and go to rescue her. On arrival they are attacked by a pack of rats. 
2.04 "Lights of London – Part two" Pennant Roberts Jack Ronder Sydney Tafler (as Manny), Roger Lloyd-Pack (as Wally), Coral Atkins (as Penny), Nadim Sawalha (as Amul), Lennox Milne (as Nessie), Wendy Williams (as Barbara), Lloyd McGuire (as George), Patrick Holt (as Doctor) 21 April 1976 (1976-04-21)
Greg and Charles are rescued and taken to the community. They find Ruth who explains that the 500 are planning to move to the Isle of Wight to set up a new life in a clean environment. They soon discover however that Manny has no intention of moving them and wants to stay in London as the ruler. He tells Greg and Charles to go, but Ruth must stay. Ruth decides to return to the community and they try to make an escape with Manny in close pursuit. Manny is shot by one of his enemies and they leave London. 
2.05 "The Face of the Tiger" Terence Williams Don Shaw John Line (as Alistair McFadden) 28 April 1976 (1976-04-28)
Tensions among the group are rising as the workload increases. A seemingly gentle man, Alistair arrives and joins the group. Hubert meanwhile is feeling hard-done by and insists on a better room until he discovers that Alistair is a convicted child killer. The others question Alistair who admits it and says that he has been rehabilitated. Hubert however spreads panic among the others and Alistair volunteers to leave. 
2.06 "The Witch" Terence Williams Jack Ronder Catherine Finn (as Peggy) 5 May 1976 (1976-05-05)
One of the women in the community, Mina is receiving much unwanted attention from Hubert, who has taken a liking to her. She shuts herself away with her baby and Hubert begins to spread a rumour that she is a witch. A number of the community begin to believe this and Mina decides to leave. Greg and Charles go looking for her and bring her back, assuring her that everyone regrets their suspicions. Hubert is put grinding wheat. 
2.07 "A Friend in Need" Eric Hills Ian McCulloch William Wilde (as Boult), Vivienne Burgess (as Mrs. McGregor), Paul Grist (as Morris) 12 May 1976 (1976-05-12)
Greg and Charles call a meeting with representatives from local communities with a view to the groups helping each other out and providing protection from attack if needed. A sniper is going round other areas and shooting women. Greg realises that they are the next target and calls on a nearby community for help. While waiting in ambush, Jenny is placed as bait for the sniper. Charles shoots and kills the sniper, who is revealed to be a woman. 
2.08 "By Bread Alone" Pennant Roberts Martin Worth Julie Peasgood (as Judy), Martin Neil (as Philip) 19 May 1976 (1976-05-19)
One of the community reveals himself to be a Parson and he is interested in starting Sunday services. Many of the community, including Jenny, show opposition with the view that religion is a waste of time now. However, despite their workload, the group gradually come round to the idea and attend the first service. 
2.09 "The Chosen" Eric Hills Roger Parkes Philip Madoc (as Max Kershaw), Clare Kelly (as Joy Dunn), James Cosmo (as Lenny Carter), David Neilson (as Mike), Elizabeth Cassidy (as Susan), David Sibley (as Kim) 26 May 1976 (1976-05-26)
On their travels, Charles and Pet meet two sick people whom they bring to the nearest community for help. There they find a military-like operation run by Max and Joy. The sick woman dies and the sick man is shot, while Charles complains of their domineering approach. Joy invites them to speak to the group on their way of life but Max is to have them shot during the night as he fears for his leadership. Being tipped off by Joy, Charles gets to speak, during which Max is shouted down and deposed by Joy. 
2.10 "Parasites" Terence Williams Roger Marshall Patrick Troughton (as John Millen), Kevin McNally (as Kane), Brian Grellis (as Grice) 2 June 1976 (1976-06-02)
Mina becomes fond of a man she meets on a river boat and agrees to meet him later. However, when the boat turns up again, two men have taken residence. They arrive at the community but appear quite aggressive. Pet recognises one of them as a convicted criminal and they take the children hostage. In an attempt to reason with them, Lewis goes to talk to them but is shot dead. Mina discovers that they have also killed her friend. Greg and Charles let the two men go and they escape on the boat, but begin to suffer the effects of the wood alcohol they've been drinking and die. 
2.11 "New Arrivals" Pennant Roberts Roger Parkes Ian Hastings (as Mark Carter) 9 June 1976 (1976-06-09)
A small group of young people arrive at the community. Their leader, Mark has much experience in farming and offers them advice. However, a flu bug is breaking out and takes a number of lives such as Mina and Arthur. It soon becomes apparent that Mark is an overbearing leader and aims to take over the farming aspect of the community completely. The others vote against him and he leaves. 
2.12 "Over the Hills" Eric Hills Martin Worth Linda Robson (as Barbara), Nula Conwell (as Ann) 16 June 1976 (1976-06-16)
One of the new girls, Sally is pregnant. Charles is delighted and re-ignites his interest in more of the community having children. There is much opposition to this from the women, including Sally who forces herself to miscarry. 
2.13 "New World" Terence Williams Martin Worth Sally Osborne (as Agnes), Dan Meaden (as Seth) 23 June 1976 (1976-06-23)
A hot air balloon crash lands at the community. The flier is killed, while his daughter is wandering about in a nearby forest. Greg and the others go to investigate. The girl, Agnes is found and explains to them that they have come from Norway. There, they have a working factory, manufacturing tools and equipment but have little food. Much to Jenny's distress, Greg is keen to investigate and trade with them. After getting the balloon back in working order he accompanies Agnes on her return to Norway. 

Series 3 (1977)

The third and final series originally aired on BBC1 between 16 March and 8 June 1977.

Regular cast: Denis Lill as Charles Vaughan (ep.1, 3-9, 11-12), Lucy Fleming as Jenny Richards (ep.1-3, 5-9, 11-12), Ian McCulloch as Greg Preston (ep.2, ep.10), John Abineri as Hubert Goss (ep.1, 3, 5-9, 11-12), Gordon Salkilld as Jack Wood (ep.1, ep.6, ep.10), Lorna Lewis as Pet Simpson (ep.1, 6-7, 10), Anna Pitt as Agnes Carlsson (ep.2-3, 5, 10-11), Edward Underdown as Frank Garner (ep.7-9), William Dysart as Alec Campbell (ep.8-9, 11-12), Robert Gillespie as Sam Mead (ep. 9, 11-12), Stephen Dudley as John Millon (ep.1, ep.6, ep.10), Angie Stevens as Lizzie Willoughby (ep.1, ep.6, ep.10)

# Title Directed by Written by Guest stars Original airdate
3.01 "Manhunt" Peter Jefferies Terence Dudley Michael Hawkins (as Colonel Clifford), Anthony Jacobs (as Meidel), Dan Meaden (as Seth), June Brown (as Susan), John Rolfe (as Summers) 16 March 1977 (1977-03-16)
Having received a message from Greg, Charles and Jenny go to his last known location. Arriving there, they find a military-run community which appears hostile. Believing Greg to be held captive, they search for him but are locked up. Jenny escapes and shoots a guard, while Charles learns that it is actually a medical research centre and the military aspect is a facade to ward off looters. They leave with an agreement to trade food for medicines. 
3.02 "A Little Learning" George Spenton-Foster Ian McCulloch Joseph McKenna (as Eagle), Sylvia Coleridge (as Mrs. Butterworth), Sean Caffrey (as Miller), Prentis Hancock (as Mackintosh), John Barrard (as Mr. Oliver) 23 March 1977 (1977-03-23)
Travelling with Agnes, Greg arrives at a community run by children. He discovers they are attacked by a disease which is killing a number of them. He soon discovers that it is caused by the rye bread they are eating, which is infected by a fungus. The leader of the children tells them they got the rye from two travelling traders. Greg gets the traders and the children force them to work for them as penance. Nearby, Jenny is searching for Greg, but misses him. 
3.03 "Law of the Jungle" Peter Jefferies Martin Worth Brian Blessed (as Brod), Barbara Lott (as Edith Walter), Eric Deacon (as Steve Walter), Keith Varnier (as Owen Walter), Cheryl Hall (as Mavis) 30 March 1977 (1977-03-30)
Charles and Hubert catch up with Jenny, who has been travelling for days. They meet up with Agnes and they take shelter at a community which is run by a man named Brod. They discover that many of the community are there against their will due to Brod's bullying tactics. Brod also forces Charles and the others to stay with the promise of protection against the wild dogs which are now outnumbering people. Attempting to leave, Hubert kills Brod, allowing the other people to return to their farm. 
3.04 "Mad Dog" Tristan DeVere Cole Don Shaw Morris Perry (as Fenton), Bernard Kay (as Sanders), Heather Canning (as Ellen), Ralph Arliss (as Jim), Max Faulkner (as Phil), Eric Francis (as Engine Driver) 6 April 1977 (1977-04-06)
Charles meets up with a man who saves him from a pack of wild dogs. He spends the night with him, but soon realises that the man has rabies. After being attacked by him, he is shot by two other men. The men believe Charles also has rabies and try to kill him. Charles escapes on foot. Eventually passing out in an old steam train, Charles wakes to find that the train is operational and a group of people are running it on coal with an eye to setting up a nationwide train service. 
3.05 "Bridgehead" George Spenton-Foster Martin Worth John Ronane (as Bill Sheridan), Hazel McBride (as Alice), Barbara Lott (as Edith Walter), Eric Deacon (as Steve Walter), Keith Varnier (as Owen Walter), Cheryl Hall (as Mavis) 13 April 1977 (1977-04-13)
Charles returns to the farm, which has been re-settled by Brod's former captives. He meets up with Jenny, Agnes and Hubert there. Hubert is helping out with the cows, which he believes to have brucellosis. Charles and Jenny go in search of a nearby vet. On meeting him, Charles learns that there are a number of people dotted around the nearby areas and he is keen to have them all meet once a week to trade their different produce. He arranges a meeting at the train station, which reveals various people to be producing beef, pork, cheese and honey, which they agree to trade with each other. 
3.06 "Reunion" Terence Dudley Don Shaw John Lee (as Philip Hurst), Jean Gilpin (as Janet Millon), George Waring (as Walter) 20 April 1977 (1977-04-20)
Arriving at a nearby house with a sick friend of Hubert's, the woman in residence, Janet is a vet. Charles talks to her and her partner about their lives there, which are very comfortable. Charles decides that their community could move here, where there are more facilities nearby. To her surprise, Jenny discovers that the boy, John they have been looking after is Janet's son. They are reunited for the first time in two years. 
3.07 "The Peacemaker" George Spenton-Foster Roger Parkes Norman Robbins (as Bentley), Heather Emmanuel (as Rutna), Alan Halley (as Henry), Nicolette Roeg (as Blossom), Derek Martin (as Cyril), Paul Seed (as Grant), Brian Conley (as Michael) 27 April 1977 (1977-04-27)
Charles, Jenny and Hubert arrive at a religious settlement, where there is no violence or guns allowed. They stay there for the night and discover they have a fully functional mill, which they allow local people to use in trade. One of the leading men, Frank, asks to go with them as he is fitted with a pacemaker which is coming to the end of its life. They leave in search of an electronics engineer, who is reportedly nearby. 
3.08 "Sparks" Tristan DeVere Cole Roger Parkes John Bennett (as Queenie), Gabrielle Hamilton (as Letty), Linda Polan (as Bet), John White (as Vic) 4 May 1977 (1977-05-04)
In search of the electronics specialist, Alec, the group arrive at his settlement. He is extremely hostile however and claims to have no more interest in his former career. They discover in fact that he is haunted by the memory of his dead wife. They encourage him to face his fears, which brings him to breaking point and he attempts suicide, but is saved by Charles. Coming to his senses, Alec agrees to help and goes with them. 
3.09 "The Enemy" Peter Jefferies Roger Parkes Bryan Pringle (as Leonard Woollen), Frances Tomelty (as Mary-Jean), Joseph Sumner (as The Baby), Martyn Whitby (as Grant) 11 May 1977 (1977-05-11)
The travellers arrive at a large community, which has its own brewery and mine. They stay the night due to Frank's now weakened condition. Charles is unsure of Alec's willingness to work with them and during a night of heavy dinking tries to persuade Jenny to sleep with him. She is furious, but Alec has decided to stay anyway and helps the men work on their generator. Another man, Sam is against the electricity being turned back on and is determined to stop them. With Frank now dead, the others move on but are accompanied by Sam. 
3.10 "The Last Laugh" Peter Jefferies Ian McCulloch George Mallaby (as Mason), Clifton Jones (as Dr. Adams), Roy Boyd (as Tilley) 18 May 1977 (1977-05-18)
On his travels, Greg meets up with a group of people who gain his confidence as he talks about his travels to Norway. They seize his notes however and leave him for dead. On realising they are written in Norwegian, they go to the community to capture Agnes to translate them. Greg makes it to a nearby settlement where he meets a doctor who is dying of smallpox. Greg contracts the disease, but sums up the strength to rescue the community from the bandits as he appears to join them. He says goodbye and informs the community he is dying while moving off with the bandits - intentionally infecting them all. 
3.11 "Long Live the King" Tristan DeVere Cole Martin Worth Roy Marsden (as The Captain), Frank Vincent (as Mitch), Barry Stokes (as Tom Walter), Gabrielle Daye (as Mrs. Hicks), John Comer (as Les Norton) 1 June 1977 (1977-06-01)
Charles gets a message to meet Greg urgently. Arriving at an old army camp, he discovers that credit notes bearing Greg's name are being issued in return for petrol. Agnes tells him that they have a million gallons stored there. Jenny arrives and enquires of Greg's whereabouts. Agnes reveals that he is dead and that they don't have the petrol they claim. The intention however is to set up a Government enforcing proper law and order. Initially reluctant, Charles comes round to the idea after the camp is infiltrated by two bandits and they are locked up rather than just being shot. 
3.12 "Power" George Spenton-Foster Martin Worth Iain Cuthbertson (as McAlister), William Armour (as Davey), Brian Carew (as Hamish), Dorothy Dean (as Mrs. Crombie) 8 June 1977 (1977-06-08)
Travelling to the National Grid in Scotland, Charles, Jenny and Hubert meet up with a local Laird, who tells them that up in the highlands more than 150,000 people have survived the plague, making it the most densely populated part of Britain. Charles informs him that they are there to switch the electricity back on, which Alec and Sam are now working on. At the power station, Alec is making preparations but his work is sabotaged by Sam. The others arrive there to find Alec unconscious, while Sam has disappeared, intent on wrecking the whole system. During a struggle, Sam is killed. About to restore the supply, the Laird argues with Charles that the power belongs to Scotland, but Alec insists that he is the only one able to switch it back on. Coming to an agreement that Alec will control the grid, he switches it on and the whole of Britain regains electricity. 

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